
Sunday, May 22, 2011

Never give up

Came across this clip recently of Heather Kampf (formerly Dorniden) running a collegiate race in 2008. It is a really good portrayal of never giving up:

In her interview after the race, she said this:

"I try to tell myself before the start of every race that all things are possible through Christ, and first and foremost I have to send the credit his way, because I certainly didn't feel like I did that all by myself. Immediately after the fall, I told myself, you have to get up to at least get a time that will score-- the team points were very close and I know everyone was counting on some points in that event."

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me - Philippians 4:13. Hallelujah!

What also struck me was what she said about scoring for the team. She saw that her finishing the race was more important for the team than for herself, and that was possibly one of the things that helped keep her going. She ran for something bigger than herself. In the end she not only scored one for the team, she also scored a big one for herself.

Time and again I find myself falling off in my walk with God. Sometimes its hard to pick myself up and keep going. When I am down, I sometimes feel dejected and ashamed of myself; I become inward looking and even to the extent that I feel like giving up. Fortunately the Holy Spirit rebukes me and reminds me of what Christ has done for me, that there is no condemnation in Him (Rom 8:1), that I already have the victory through Him and He has already overcome the world (John 16:33). It also helps to have fellow brothers and sisters-in-Christ who encourages me, keeps me in check, and gently nudging me forward in their different ways. So when the going gets tough, it is really God and the body of Christ that keeps me going and not give up.

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