
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Canoeing (or kayaking) can make a difference

There is this canoeing race in South Africa called the Dusi Canoe Marathon. The race lasts for 3 days with the first day covering 45km with approximately 15km of portage (running or walking on land with the canoe), the second day covering 45km and 10km of portage and it ends on the third day with 35km of paddling. So it is a total of 125km of paddling and it is not just on calm flat water but there are sections of large rapids where you wouldn't think that an ICF standard kayak could go through but they do (although I notice the rudder they use is the kind that folds up).

But it is not just the physical demand of the race that got my attention because there are a number of canoe marathons in the world that far exceeds it in terms of distance. For example there is the VicSuper Murray Marathon in Australia that lasts 5 days and covers 404km, then there is the Regata Del Rio Negro in Argentina which is divided into 6 stages, lasts 8 days and covers 653km! 

What got my attention is that people who took part in the Dusi Marathon took the effort to make a difference in the lives of people who live along the Msunduzi (or Dusi) river. Like there is this group called the Canvas Dusi who are dedicated to the environmental health of the river. They got this name because they paddle wooden canvas canoes for the race and during the race, they take note of things like soil erosion, industrial pollution, water borne diseases, etc and subsequently come up with sustainable solutions for these problems! 

Then there is this guy Martin Dreyer who started an academy called "Change a life academy" to train youngsters from the Msunduzi Local Municipality in canoeing. This academy basically transformed the young people sitting at the banks watching the race to participating in the race, having a goal and something to be excited about, and ultimately becoming successful in the sport and winning medals. Getting them involved in canoeing definitely changed their lives!

Personally, I feel that canoeing has made a difference in my life. It has taught me to be more disciplined, focused, determined. I learned about perseverance and team work. Somehow God has also taught me through years of competing, the importance of humility; and to some extent, it is a lesson that I never stop learning.

Anyway, here's a great documentary about the Dusi Marathon:

2010 Land Rover Durban Hansa 50 Miler from D4 Productions on Vimeo.

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