
Sunday, August 10, 2014

How easy is it to fake a push-up?

Push-ups is one of the most common exercise ever. I reckon anyone who has done any physical exercise would have tried doing the push-up. It's simple and straightforward, and the only 'equipment' you need other than yourself is the floor.

One of the new sensor technology I am working on is designed to be able to assess floor exercises such as push-ups and sit-ups. It is a floor mat sensor and it acts a little bit like a force plate, as in it measures force changes. So when a person is on the mat, in the push-up position, it can detect the force or pressure the person's hands place on the mat. As that person does a push-up, it measures the force changes during the push-up and that creates a signal. By recognising the signals of push-ups (through some algorithm), the sensor can then act as a push-up assessment device.

Now it all works well when I perform a standard push-up. A certain waveform is created that represents the standard push-up. Doing the push-up faster or slower basically changes that particular waveform in terms of its width or height.

But I soon realise that there are certain non push-up movements that can create a somewhat similar waveform. I could be shifting my weight forward and backwards while in the push-up position, or I could be adjusting my hand positions in a certain way, or I could be doing an improper push-up (e.g. arched back, knees down, elbows not bent till ninety degrees, etc). So once I figure out what movements (other than a standard push-up) can generate the same waveform, I can cheat the system into thinking I am doing push-ups when I am not. It's a bit like those activity trackers built with inertia sensors (accelerometers and gyros) that tries to identify sports activities but often fall short (there's an interesting article with video illustrations here: link).

This reminds me of being 'christian'. There are certain behaviours that I can have that reflects that I am a christian - I can attend church service regularly, participate in different church activities, be helpful and kind in my community etc etc. But what makes me truly a christian is when I have given my life to Jesus, fully surrendered and putting him first in my life. Then those outward behaviours that flow out of my surrendered life would be directed by God and be fruitful. God is interested in what's inside of me not what is outward.

Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean.